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Art+ Fall Workshop

Knowledge is the foundation for capacity. Our ART+ Fall Workshop is a free program open to all artists in the National Capital Region to continue building sustainable artistic practices and increase a healthy balance in the cultural sector ecosystem. Our session will include Grant writing tips for the City of Ottawa’s Cultural funding programs. 

MAC-CAM programs are inclusive and safe spaces open to artists and cultural workers interested in learning and exchanging ideas. MAC-CAM's mandate prioritizes immigrant, refugee, Indigenous, Black, and racialized artists. 

When: Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 1:00-3:00 pm

Where: Artengine - 67 Nicholas St, Ottawa, ON K1N 7B9

Workshop facilitators: Marie-Christine Feraud and Yasmina Proveyer

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Grant writing tips for the City of Ottawa’s Cultural funding programs

Get an overview of the City of Ottawa’s cultural funding programs and learn how to prepare a grant application, receive writing tips and gain a better understanding of how applications are evaluated. Cultural funding officers Marie-Christine Feraud and Yasmina Proveyer will also discuss the Creation and Production fund for professional artists and the Equity and inclusion in the arts fund.


Conseils pour la rédaction de demandes de subvention dans le cadre des programmes de financement culturel de la Ville d'Ottawa

Obtenez un aperçu des programmes de financement culturel de la Ville d'Ottawa et apprenez comment préparer une demande de subvention, recevez des conseils de rédaction et apprenez comment les demandes sont évaluées. Les agentes de financement culturel, Marie-Christine Feraud et Yasmina Proveyer, discuteront également du Fonds de création et de production pour artistes professionnels et du Fonds d'équité et d'inclusion dans les arts.

Made possible thanks to the support of:
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