Erica O'Reilly
As an Irish sacred storyteller, spiritual counsellor, and ordained minister (through the Sacred Stream Foundation; in Berkeley, California), Erica's heart-centred work is rooted in creating spaces where souls feel seen, held, and heard. She believes deeply in the wisdom of the human body and spirit; and the powerful medicine of storytelling.
Erica’s life-long love for the arts and collaboration in community has taken her all over the world, including: Ottawa (Odyssey Theatre, Ottawa StoryTellers, 9th Hour Theatre), Toronto (Bachelor of Arts with Honours, in Theatre), New York (The American Academy of Dramatic Arts), and Northern Italy (Associazione Culturale Linguistica Educational).
In 2023, her theatre company Into the Circle Theatre premiered its inaugural show (Stars, Stones, and Shadows: A Heroine’s Tale) at the Ottawa Fringe Festival to rave reviews.
Into the Circle Theatre is passionately rooted in reverently honouring the tradition of the Irish seanchaí in a modern context. Through the weaving of Irish culture, history, folklore, and mythology, we share hallowed tales of women remembering and reclaiming their embodied wisdom and sovereign power.
Being of Irish and French ancestry, Erica continues to be reverently grateful to the traditional spirits and land keepers of the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation; where she was born and currently resides. Míle buíochas for the opportunity to live, create, and share stories alongside you.